Red Buttes Wilderness Area

About the Red Buttes
Gem of the Siskiyou Crest
At just 20,133-ares, the Red Buttes Wilderness is humble in size but grand in stature. Designated in 1984 by the California and Oregon Wilderness Acts, the area's high ridges connect the Pacific Crest National Scenic Trail to the Oregon Caves National Monument. Summits along the way reach over 6,000ft and include Kangaroo and Rattlesnake mountains, Goff Butte, Mt. Emily, and more, all tucked away in the depths of the Rogue River-Siskiyou and Klamath national forests.
Traversing the Applegate, Illinois, and Klamath river watersheds, the Red Buttes landscape is characterized by sharp ridges, expansive meadows, old-growth forests, and deep river canyons. The Red Buttes is home to over a dozen conifer species, as well as strong populations of deer, black bear, and cougar. You'll also encounter plenty of rattlesnakes, ticks, and poison oak.
With cool, wet winters and long, hot summers, the Red Buttes offers short hiking seasons. There are very few established campsites. Travel in small groups, and avoid weekends.